A number of our clients in the healthcare space are really seeing the benefits of filming case study style videos, and are producing filmed content on a regular basis. There is so much power in hearing other people’s stories and learning directly from their experience and the advantages of taking this approach are clear and proven. Case studies can humanise potentially alienating and confusing subject matters which ensure the topic is easily understood.
But many clients in the health and medical area baulk at the idea of using motion graphic and animation to get their message across. And with so much variation in quality and style out there, this reticence is understandable. It can be hard to know where to start. Some are also wary about dumbing down potentially complex and serious messages.
But, when executed well, animation can have powerful cut-through, create or develop a unique look and feel for your brand, communicate complex information – and potentially help you to engage a broader target than filmed content.
The potential to create a unique and impactful look via animation is limitless. Colours, textures, fonts, illustrations, characters, 2D and 3D structures can all be thrown into the mix to help your message stand out in a crowded marketplace. And the more you understand about your target market, the more you are able to tailor the look and feel to your audience.
Bringing brand elements to life using animation is another benefit of the animation approach. Brand logos, colour, fonts, icons and other assets can be brought to life via animation to bring another dimension to your content.
Animation is also the perfect technique to convey difficult ideas and complicated information. Through a combination of illustration, text and voiceover, ideas can be broken down and demonstrated in a way that viewers can easily grasp. The use of animated analogies is a great example of how this can be done.
Finally, motion graphics and animation allow us to speak to and engage broader audiences. Because we are not locked into featuring specific ‘talent’ (i.e. an older male GP), we reduce the risk of alienating sub sections of our target market, and can create a more inclusive and broadly relevant communication.
We’ve had so many experiences with clients where they have tip-toed into this area with us, but have quickly become converts once they understand what can be done with graphics and animation. It’s definitely not going to be the solution for every communication challenge you have, but I’d encourage you to have a think about the possible application of animation to your upcoming video projects.