Highlighting Streamlined Services With Provider Connect
An engaging 3D character animation that demonstrates how Provider Connect Australia (PCA) streamlines healthcare provider services, using a modern, clean visual style and appealing characters to highlight PCA’s role in enhancing Australia’s healthcare system. The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) tasked us with creating an engaging and informative animation to explain how Provider Connect Australia (PCA) simplifies the process of updating business and practitioner details for healthcare providers. The animation aims to demonstrate how PCA reduces duplication, improves accuracy, and streamlines communication between healthcare businesses and their partners.
Laundry Lane produced a concise 3D character animation based on a realistic scenario, showcasing how PCA enhances the cohesion of Australia’s healthcare system. The video features a modern, clean style, reflecting the efficiency and healthier future that PCA contributes to. Its tone is educational and informative, with a strong emphasis on visual engagement through contrasting colours and appealing characters.